Heart & Soul

Life, Imagined by Tissoli

Our nurturing culture is cultivated on creativity and diversity. This diverse workforce and the different perspectives between the team makes us better designers and lead us to deliver well-rounded outcomes and insights. Our residences should have character and spirit to engage with those living and working in it. Any residence designed for Tissoli should provide a building that is more than just wonderfully functional – it should also provide the emotional experiences appropriate to that function.

Celebrate Creativity


Our approach is guided by a dedication to the art of place making.

We are constantly evaluating opportunities in the market, using independent and conservative judgment. If the investment opportunity qualifies, a resource pool comprising architects, project managers, developers, landscape professionals, investors and other bright talents including interior designers, brand developers, marketing and media agencies are engaged to design and execute plans. The company uses this collaborative advantage to produce a desirable product through unique design concepts and architectural innovation. TISSOLI believes that this will create the most value for the end-user while generating the most benefit for investors and owners.

Dedicated to the Art of Placemaking


We are focused on producing an exceptionally diverse portfolio of work—in scale, program, purpose, and expression, to be recognized widely for our commitment to craft, our sophisticated sense of form, our attention to shaping the public realm, and our ability to navigate complex projects and sensitive contexts.

We follow a holistic and integrated design process that incorporates strategic planning, programming, architecture, interiors, building design, urban design, master planning and repositioning. Our process begins by shaping strong conceptual thinking, informed by program and context, to establish a holistically informed big idea. This expansive idea is the prism through which we develop form, confirm function, and define experience as the basis on which to explore ecology, material, and formative expression. The result is strong representation of project goals portrayed through visionary thinking and clear performative expectations.